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eTail Deutschland 2025

18.-19 März, 2025

Hotel Palace, Berlin

Bernhard Hecker

VP, Business Development Europe Cryptowerk

I live at the intersection of business and technology -- understanding and enabling the links between business strategy and information technology. I spent the early part of my career deeply hands-on with bleeding-edge technology, and continued to product management, where I learned how to run a P&L and deal with the entire lifecycle of a product/service, giving me an understanding of markets, business drivers, and strategy. I have always been someone who is interested in doing each and everything around software based products, invent them, create them, bring them to life, watch them grow, let them go. I’ve been into product management during almost my entire career and have a deep understanding of various methodologies and techniques. Innovative - sometimes disruptive - mostly curious

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Bernhard.

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